RICS - HSL Lucerne University - 02.03.2022 - Webinar Impact of Megatrends on Cities and Financing
RICS / Lucerne University webinar on “Impact of Megatrends on the Development of City Centers and Investment Opportunities: Empirical Results and New Ways of Financing” When: Wednesday, 2 March 2022, at 13.00 CET (to 14:15 CET)The impact of megatrends on European city centers is widely discussed and will change demand for and use of real estate. At the same time, it is more and more difficult for (institutional) investors to find targeting investment opportunities in real estate. Therefore, structured analyses of current and future investments, risks and opportunities need to be evaluated as well as (new) financing structures. Hereby, we invite you to join presentations of renowned speakers as well as to discuss current developments: - How do megatrends impact investment risks and opportunities in European cities? - What are latest empirical results and what are lessons learnt? - Where are interesting locations and how to select targeting properties? - How to implement better financing structures and what are the possibilities of mezzanine capital? - What are targeting strategies for real estate investors? Please register at: https://hslu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CrgUI6XVQe6dV8deTsOFOA The webinar will be based on impulse presentations and discussions – the agenda will cover leading specialists in the area of real estate markets and investments: Introduction and Overview Prof. Dr. Michael Truebestein FRICS, President RICS (CH) / Head of the MScRE-Program, Lucerne University (HSLU) Presentation of the empirical study: “Impact of Megatrends on the Development of City Centers” (20-25 Min.) Mark Holz, Group Head of Research, CORESTATE Capital Group Assessment of a real estate investment: Criteria and Best Practices Birgit Hempel FRICS, Member, RICS Governing Council / Senior Director Real Estate Valuation, genost Consulting GmbH Investments in Switzerland with Mezzanine Capital and Senior Loans Martin Bassermann, Chairman of the Board of Directors, HFS Helvetic Financial Services AG Panel Discussion Conclusions and Outlook The webinar will begin at 13.00 cet and finish at 14.15 cet. Please feel free to forward the invitation to your colleagues and friends. The presentations as well as the empirical study will be available after the event as a download. Hochschule Luzern Wirtschaft Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen Zug IFZProf. Dr. Michael Trübestein FRICS Head of the MScRE-Programwww.hslu.ch/msc-re