HSLU Lucerne University - 03.11.2021 - RICS / HSLU webinar on “Tokenization in the Real Estate Industry"


HSLU Hochschule Luzern

1 St. 30 mn.



Tokenization in the Real Estate Industry


The application of Blockchain-Technology and the use of Tokens will change the real estate industry in the future and offer new possibilities for the management of and the investment in real estate. Nevertheless, only few pilot projects were launched successfully. With the new legal framework, the application of the technology in the real estate industry will increase and several real estate companies have already been working on new business models. Therefore, during the webinar, several questions will be answered e.g.:


- How will Tokens change the real estate industry?
- What are new and successful business models?
- Where are new investment possibilities in the real estate industry and how do they work?
- How will the new legal framework change the industry?
- How will tokens change the Lex Koller framework?
- What about taxes?
- What lessons can be learnt and what are best cases?
- Which countries and institutions are leading?


Introduction and Overview: Tokenization in the Real Estate Industry
Prof. Dr. Michael Truebestein MRICS, President RICS (CH) / Professor, Lucerne University

The legal framework for Tokenization in the Real Estate Industry
Dr. Catrina Luchsinger Gaehwiler, Partner, MLL Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Froriep AG

Taxation of Tokens in the Real Estate Industry
Begga Sigurdardottir, Partner, PWC

Application of Tokenization in the Real Estate Industry
Stephan Rind, Founder / CEO, Brickmark

Panel Discussion

Summary and Outlook
Prof. Dr. Michael Truebestein MRICS, President RICS (CH) / Professor, Lucerne University



Nov 3, 2021 01:00 PM in Amsterdam, Bern, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna