25.08.2023 - FUSTIC webinar : Sustainable Collaborative project program & Funds - SPEI Vaud state - Construction & Circular Economy
What : FUSTIC webinar : Sustainable Collaborative project program & Funds - SPEI Vaud state - Construction & Circular Economy
When : vendredi, 25 août 2023 11:00-11:45.
Where : https://epfl.zoom.us/j/66933683726 Dear FUSTIC’s members,
In collaboration with the SPEI (Vaud State), we are pleased to organize 45min webinar the 25th August from 11 to 11.45am by zoom about the Sustainable collaborative project program & fund.
The Service for the Promotion of the Economy and Innovation (SPEI) can provide financial assistance for collaborative projects in which companies collaborate with a focus on sustainability. The supported projects are subject to project calls. The next to topics will be : Sustainable Construction Collaborative projects in the field of sustainable construction, aimed at achieving an impact that represents a potential for transformation towards a sustainable economy and a strong contribution to the evolution of the construction industry. The collaborative project must demonstrate a significant potential for replication and/or deployment. AND : Circular Economy Collaborative projects in the field of circular economy, aimed at achieving an impact that represents a potential for transformation towards a sustainable economy and a strong contribution towards greater circularity. The collaborative project must demonstrate a significant potential for replication and/or deployment. Mathias Paquier, head of the program at SPEI, will present the program and answer to your questions.
Please find below some useful links : https://www.vd.ch/themes/economie/soutien-aux-entreprises/economie-durable/projets-collaboratifs
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